Investor Presentaiton
Ethics Line | 102-17 |
We recognize the receipt and
handling of reports as an opportunity
for improvement, because they serve
as the basis for enhancing both
our processes and the conduct of
members. Accordingly, as part of our
Compliance System, we have made
the Ethics Line available. It functions
full time and enables whistleblowers
to report behavior that violates our
commitment to ethics, integrity
and transparency.
We have guidelines for managing
the whistleblowers' channel, covering
There is an
audit of the
Ethics Line and
a protocol for
aspects of governance, confidentiality
and independence of the
investigation team, and procedures
to ensure the correct application of
technique, method and quality. In
addition, in the 2019/2020 crop year,
an independent firm audited all the
regulations and processes involved
in managing the Ethics Line and the
protocol for investigating reports.
Communications between
whistleblowers and the Ethics Line are
managed by an outside firm to ensure
that the reports and information
supplied are kept confidential.
In 2019/2020, we received 409
reports on the Ethics Line, 56 less
than in 2018/2019. Ninety-seven of
them were upheld (148 the previous
year) and the appropriate measures
were taken
from verbal warnings to
dismissal or termination of contract.
Risk management | 102-11 | 102-15 |
The 2019/2020 crop year was
marked by a focus on integrated
risk management, attributed to the
Compliance area which changed its
name to the Risks and Compliance
Office. During the year we revised the
Atvos Corporate Risks Matrix in order
to widen the scope of risk mapping
and reassess the probabilities and
impacts of previously identified risks,
as well as creating a sound basis for
risk-based management.
Using the COSO II method for Enterprise
Risk Management (ERM), we created
a comprehensive plan for revising the
methods of mapping, measurement
and validation. We held 15 immersion
workshops for focal groups from every
area of Atvos, to identify the risks to
which the company is exposed and
which can affect the development and
long-term future of our business.
See details on the next page.
Subsequently, with the risks identified,
classified in qualitative terms and
forwarded to the people defined
as owners, we arranged for risk
specialists to make a quantitative
assessment in four impact vectors:
finance, people, environment and
image. With the inputs supplied by
the specialists, we used an impact
simulation software to identify the
most likely scenarios for each risk. The
final stage consisted of validation by
the business Leader.
As a corollary to this mapping, we
started to create action plans to
deal with risks, selecting one of four
possibilities: reduce, share, avoid or
retain. As from the 2020/2021 crop
year all risks will be handled by a Risk
Management SAP. In addition, there
will be a cyclical yearly repeat analysis
of likelihood and impact of every risk.
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