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Investors' Presentation

Net Debt and Tax Equity increases €191m, with AR proceeds and the capital increase offsetting growth acceleration edp renewables 1. 9M21 from RCF to Debt and TEI variance (€ million) 645 +554 +1,500 9M21 Financial Debt Breakdown (%) Variable 13% 14% Other 46% 73% (191) (613) Fixed Loans 87% with EDP 14% 54% Type Currency Class (2,200) (77) RCF ex-gains AR Cash Dividends Capital Proceeds Capex.(1) WC, FX A Net Debt & Increase & Other TEI increase €3.32bn of Net Debt (-€0.1bn vs Dec-20) and €1.46bn of Tax Equity (+€0.3bn vs Dec-20) In Q3, EDPR successfully secured Tax Equity proceeds of €0.6bn Cash capex includes Capex, Financial investments and PPE suppliers 41
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