Investor Presentaiton
OUR VALUE CREATION | Natural capital
Water reuse at Hospital IFOR
Water management is a concern for
Rede D'Or São Luiz's institutions. To
fight the waste of water with potential
for reuse, thus reducing water
expenditures and environmental
impact, Hospital IFOR, located in
São Paulo metropolitan region, has
maintained a water reuse plan in the
autoclave cycles since 2020.
With this initiative, IFOR saves 966
liters of water per cycle. In 2021,
almost 4.6 thousand cycles were run,
representing more than 2 million liters
of water were reused, generating
a reduction of more than R$ 55
thousand in water expenditures.
In addition to the significant
economic savings, water reuse at
IFOR contributes to environmental
preservation and spreading the
sustainability culture across
Rede D' Or São Luiz.
In another initiative, the Hospital
São Luiz's Itaim unit drilled an
artesian well to prevent possible
water scarcity issues. With an
average production of 1.5 m³/h of
good quality water, the authorized
well has capacity to serve almost
18% of the unit's consumption.
Through this initiative, the unit
does not depend as much on water
tankers and is better prepared
to face possible shortages in
scenarios of water crisis and
rationing. Rede D'Or São Luiz will
avoid purchasing 1,080 m³ of water
from the concessionaire every
month, a volume big enough to
supply nearly 90 average homes
in Brazil. Financially, discounting
all maintenance costs for the well
and water treatment, the monthly
saving will be 8%, which means R$
136 thousand/year.
Waste Management
GRI 103,2, 103-3, 306-2, SASB: HC-DY-150a.1,
Waste management at Rede D'O São
Luiz complies with the procedures
set forth in the Healthcare Waste
Management Plan (PGRSS in
Portuguese), approved by health
and environmental agencies. The
plan is part of the environmental and
sanitary licensing process and includes
process related to waste generation,
separation, storage, recycling, treatment
and final disposal, as well as public
health and environmental protection.
Moreover, Rede D'Or São Luiz has
several corporate operational rules and
procedures, which lay down good waste
management practices.
The units weigh in the volume of
waste generated every day and
through pre-defined indicators,
monitor waste generation. Figures are
monthly reported for analysis by the
Sustainability corporate department,
identifying the type and volume of
materials to be disposed.
Initiatives to reduce waste generation
and to improve waste treatment
are carried out periodically. Our
Environmental Indicators Program
receives data on waste volume across
groups A, B, D and E of hospitals
throughout Brazil. Whenever a new
unit is added to Rede D'Or São Luiz, we
assess its waste management and, when
necessary, schedule changes.
Seeking to reduce waste sent to landfills
(reducing GHG emissions, increasing
useful life of landfills and raising the
reuse and recycling awareness and
support among employees), hospital
units began to implement a series of
measures, such as:
Partnership to recycle used coffee
capsules, totaling more than 1.5 tons
in 2021;
Reverse logistics of printing supplies
and equipment, which totaled 24.5
tons in 2021;
Reuse of SMS fabric from Material
and Sterilization Center (CME in
Portuguese). Sterile material reused
to manufacture pieces and giveaways
such as totes and decorative holders;
Project for composting organic waste
generated in the nutrition services,
implemented at 3 hospitals (Hospital
Caxias D'Or, Hospital Niterói D'Or and
Hospital São Luiz Jabaquara).
199 REDE D'OR SÃO LUIZ | Annual Sustainability Report 2021
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