ANNUAL INTEGRATED REPORT 2021 | AXTEL 29 = CONTINGENCIES AND COMMITMENTS As of December 31, 2021, there are the following commitments and contingencies with respect to Axtel and subsidiaries: 1. Contingencies Interconnection Disagreements with other Mobile Operators. a. Radiomóvil Dipsa, S. A. de C. V. (Telcel). 2018 rates i. One amparo lawsuit regarding interconnection (ITX), in which Axtel S.A.B. de C.V. (Axtel), appears as an interested third party. ii. January 2018: The Company was notified of a writ of amparo filed by Telcel against the rates of the year 2018 determined by the IFT. iii. Current status: second instance, suspended on the instruction of the Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación (SCJN), for being related to a series of lawsuits to be resolved by this Court. It is considered that they will eventually lift the suspension, since, in 2021, the SCJN resolved the amparo in review 1091/2019 (Telcel vs ATT), and the various amparos in review 489/2020 (Telcel vs Alestra Innovation), denying the amparo to Telcel, for which the outlook is favorable. 2019 rates i. An amparo lawsuit, in matters of ITX and virtual mobile networks, where Axtel appears as an interested third party. ii. January 2019: The Company was notified of a writ of amparo filed by Telcel against the rates determined by the IFT, in terms of ITX and as Axtel's Virtual Mobile Operator (OMV), for the period of 2019. i. Current status, first instance, given the precedents resolved by the SCJN, the outlook is favorable. 2020 rates i. An amparo lawsuit, in matters of ITX and virtual mobile networks, where Axtel appears as an interested third party. ii. January 2020: The Company was notified of a writ filed by Telcel against the rates determined by the IFT, in terms of ITX and as Axtel's Virtual Mobile Operator (OMV), for the year 2020. iii. Current status, first instance: Given the precedents resolved by the SCJN, the outlook is favorable. 2021 rates i. An amparo lawsuit, in matters of ITX and virtual mobile networks, where Axtel appears as an interested third party. ii. January 2021: The Company was notified of a writ filed by Telcel against the rates determined by the IFT, in terms of ITX and as Axtel's Virtual Mobile Operator (OMV), for the year 2021. iii. Current status, first instance: Given the precedents resolved by the SCJN, the outlook is favorable. 162 162
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