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Investor Presentaiton

Focus on Corporate Governance Long-term variable remuneration1 Macro objective Objective Weight5 Performance TSR2 50% Target (130%)6 Enel's TSR from 100% to 110% of TSR Index enel Over I (150%) Enel's TSR from 110% to 115% of TSR Index Over II (280%)6 Enel's TSR > 115% of TSR Index Type of target Market Profitability ROACE3 25% 39.4% 40.0% 40.6% Financial Environmental Renewable capacity on total4 15% 59.7% 59.9% 60.0% ESG Environmental CO2 emissions reduction 10% ≤ 220 gCO2/KWheq7 ≤ 215 gCO2/KWheq7 ≤210 gCO2/KWheq7 ESG 100% of the base amount is assigned in Enel shares, whose number is determined on the basis of the arithmetical mean of Enel's daily VWAP in the three-month period preceding the beginning of the performance period Long-Term Incentive (LTI) Plan 2020. Performance period: January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2022. 30% payment (if any) in the 4th year. 70% payment (if any) in the 5th year (deferred payment) Average TSR Enel compared to average TSR EUROSTOXX Utilities Index-EMU, calculated in the three-month period preceding the beginning and the end of the performance period Cumulative for the 3-year period 2020-2022 1. 2. 3. 5. (%) Weight in the variable remuneration 7. As at 2022 4. Renewable sources net consolidated installed capacity /Total net consolidated installed capacity at the end of 2022 6. 8. For the CEO/General manager. 100% at target and 180% at Over II for the other beneficiaries of the LTI Plan 2020 50% for the other beneficiaries of the LTI Plan 2020 157
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