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Investor Presentaiton

National policy documents Barbados National Energy Policy 2019-2030 "To provide clear direction to the government in the short, medium and long term, for the development of renewable and non-renewable aspects of energy" BARBADOS NATIONAL ENERGY POLICY 2019-20304 National Strategic Plan of Barbados 2006-2025 Provides the "...blueprint for the realization of Barbados' vision of becoming a fully developed society that is prosperous, socially just and globally competitive by the end of the first quarter of this century." Global Excellence Barbadian Traditions The National Strategic Plan of Barbados 2006-2025 THE BARBAD SUSTAINABLL DEVELOPMENT POLICY BARBADOS 2021 UPDATE OF THE FIRST NATIONALLY DETERMINED CONTRIBUTION Page 6 EY Mind the Bridge 29 November 2022 Barbados Clean Tech Industry Report (Summary) National Sustainable Development Policy An approach to sustainable development "...which aims to deal with individual issues from an integrated and holistic perspective" ENERGY 72% Intended Nationally Determined Contributions To implement policies " seek to be, by 2030, the first 100% green and fossil-fuel free island-states in the world" 72% of the GHG emissions in Barbados were generated from energy consumption with energy generation accounting to 67% of that amount and transport accounting for the remaining 33%. WASTE 16% 16% of the GHG emissions in Barbados are generated from waste. UNIDO gef EXPORT BARBADOS
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