BANK OF GEORGIA Financial Performance and Strategy slide image

BANK OF GEORGIA Financial Performance and Strategy

☑Total assets declined by 9.8% in 2009 Assets Total assets GEL mln 6,000 3,400.7 3,258.9 3,154.3 3,186.8 3,147.7 Gross loans 5,000 2,907.8 2.980.2 2,938.4 declined by 4,000 14.9% in 2009 3,000 Gross loans grew Loan book 89% Collaterilized 1.7% q-o-q in Q4 2,000 81% Collaterilized 09 1,000 1,855.7 2,106.7 2,059.7 2,189.4 2,046.8 1,904.7 1,833.1 1,864.2 Standalone Gross 0 loans grew 5.2% Q1 2008 Q2 2008 Q3 2008 Q4 2008 Q1 2009 Q2 2009 Q3 2009 Q4 2009 Pharmaceuticals q-o-q in Q4 2009 Liquid funds increased by GEL 180 mln, 35%, to Gross loans Corporate loan book breakdown, BoG Standalone 98% Collaterilized 87% of total corporate loan book collateralized GEL 700 mln in 2009 GEL 360 mlm of excess liquidity at YE 2009 93% Collaterilized Industry & State, and Healthcare, 2% Other, 14% 98% Collaterilized Trade, 32% Goodwill of GEL 70 mln written-off in Q4 2009, of which GEL 68 mln associated with Ukraine 12% Real Estate, 9% Energy, 9% 100% Collaterilized Construction, 8% FMCG, 9% 66% Collaterilized Lak BANK OF GEORGIA 100% Collaterilized BNB, 1% 87% of total loan book collateralized BG Bank, 10% RB & WM, 46% 93% Collaterilized CB, 47% Retail loan book breakdown, BoG Standalone 100% Collaterilized 81% of total retail loan book collateralized Micro loans, 12% 0% Collaterilized 100% Collaterilized Credit cards and overdrafts, 16% Mortgage loans, 43% 89% Collaterilized Consumer and other, 29% April 2010 Page 27
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