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Investor Presentaiton

Basin Upside Potential Guyana and Suriname cgx① cgx Guyana-Suriname Basin significantly de-risked with discoveries adjacent to the CGX offshore Blocks • • • • • Kawa discovery significantly derisked the North Corentyne Block energy inc Suriname discoveries since 2020 (Maka Central, Sapakara West, Kwaskwasi, Keskesi, and most recently Krabdagu), immediately adjacent to CGX, provide a direct analog to further de-risk prospect inventory in the Corentyne block These discoveries are reported to be Santonian in age with amplitude supported data similar to Corentyne Block 32 discoveries over the last 7 years in Stabroek Block, accounting for more than 11 billion barrels of oil equivalent Adjacent to CGX acreage, numerous discoveries have been made, de-risking the prospects: . • • • • • • • • • Pluma discovery: 2 miles north of Corentyne Maka Central discovery: 7 miles northeast of Corentyne Haimara discovery: 8 miles north of Corentyne Kiru Kiru discovery: 11 miles north of Corentyne Seabob discovery: 15 miles north of Corentyne Kwaskwasi discovery: 15 miles east of Corentyne Turbot discovery: 16 miles north of Corentyne Sapakara West discovery: 20 miles east of Corentyne Keskesi discovery: 29 miles northeast of Corentyne Krabdagu discovery: 33 miles northeast of Corentyne Liza discovery: 40 miles northwest of Corentyne 19
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