Investor Presentaiton
III. Key Features of Bangladesh Business Environment 2022
In contrast, complexity of tax regulation is perceived as more problematic
(26.2%) than the high tax rate
Perception regarding public health has been significantly improved (15.4%)
compared to the previous year
▪ This happened perhaps because of the decreasing Covid affected cases among
the working population
The level of severity of problems is different for different categories of
enterprises (see slide 13)
By and large, corruption severely affects all categories of businesses. 52.9%
of small and micro enterprises have considered corruption as the most
problematic factor, 71.4% of medium and 59% of large
■ Medium enterprises marked limited access to finance, inadequate
infrastructure, policy instability, and government instability as bigger
problematic factors
Small & micro enterprises are facing the pressure of inflation, instability of
foreign currency, and inefficient government bureaucracy
▪ Large enterprises found more problematic issues in case of inadequate
infrastructure, inefficient government bureaucracy and foreign currency
Hence, government needs to ensure customized policy support for different
categories of enterprises targeting diverse challenges
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