Portugal Liquid Opportunities
Key tenets of Oxy Capital's international equities strategy (<40%
Focus on structural alpha in limited capacity niches
Targets small/micro caps value and special sits to achieve high returns, not AuM growth;
Most commissions based on performance and heavy team co-investment.
Concentrated in 8-15 highest conviction ideas
Exhaustive fundamental analysis on each position supported by 23 investment professionals with
complementary PE and public markets expertise;
Access to C-level network and proprietary data across +80 private PortCos.
"PE-like" approach to investing
Isolated from quarterly pressures due to redemption conditions and stable investor base;
Frequent and potentially activist/"constructivist" interaction with management, aided by focus on
smaller companies with fragmented shareholder bases.
Targeting private equity-type return profile with higher liquidity
Higher liquidity given open ended format – redemption without restrictions after 2-3 years;
"PE-like" return profile – high expected returns and low correlation to broader markets given
concentrated, idiosyncratic small cap focus and investment style shaped by our PE heritage.
We believe our private equity experience and ability to leverage a large investment
team across limited capacity niches can create significant alpha in public markets
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