Income Statement and Eurosystem Funding Review slide image

Income Statement and Eurosystem Funding Review

Credit Risk - 90+ DPD by Geography and by customer type Group 90+ DPD loans by geography (€ bn) 48,6% 48,6% 49,8% 52,5% 53,2% 90+DPD ratio 53,1% Group 90+ (% of total loans) 13,0 12,8 12,6 13,0 12,7 12,8 0,9 0,9 0,5 0,6 0,6 0,5 0,30,5 0,30,4 0,30,5 0,3 0,1 0,5 0,6 0,1 11,3 11,2 11,3 11,6 11,5 11,5 31.12.13 31.03.14 ■Cyprus 30.06.14 ■ UK 30.09.14 ■Russia 31.12.14 Other countries* 31.03.15 Group 90+ DPD loans by customer type (€ bn) 13,0 12,8 12,6 13,0 12,7 12,8 1,3 1,3 1,2 1,3 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,1 1,1 3,3 3,4 3,5 3,1 3,3 "。 1,2 1,3 3,1 7,2 6,9 7,0 7,1 7,2 7,2 31.12.13 31.03.14 ■Corporate 30.06.14 ■SMES 30.09.14 ■Retail other 31.12.14 31.03.15 ■Retail housing * Other countries include certain loans and advances in Romania that were previously reported under Cyprus DPD have stabilised below €13 bn 90+ DPD in Cyprus have stabilised at around €11,5 bn Adoption of foreclosure legislation and insolvency framework are significant steps in enabling the Bank to tackle its delinquent loans in Cyprus and to improve asset quality. Bank of Cyprus 24 KOINO WKYNРIW 2235
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