Investor Presentaiton
How to become an ACT-SAF Partner?
The ACT-SAF Programme is open to all interested parties in supporting the programme.
To become a partner, the interested party shall accept the Terms and Conditions on the ICAO website.
How to become an ACT-SAF Partner?
You can become an ACT-SAF Partner by agreeing to the ACT-SAF Terms and Conditions. For those interested
in further information, an e-mail can be sent to the Office of Environment ([email protected]). ICAO will
schedule a meeting to discuss potential needs and/or contributions under ACT-SAF and further steps into the
1. Abbreviations and Definitions
1.1 In this document, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words or
abbreviations shall have the corresponding meanings indicated below:
ICAO's Assistance, Capacity-building and Training for
Sustainable Aviation Fuels Programme
Bureau (ATB)
ICAO's Office of Environment, a branch of the Air Transport
The International Civil Aviation Organization, with Headquarters
at 999 Robert- Bourassa Boulevard, Montréal, Quebec, Canada, H3C 5H7.
An entity (State, Organization, or Institution) that has accepted
the Terms and Conditions of the ACT-SAF in order to participate in the activities
envisaged in the programme either as a supporting Entity or as a Requesting State.
Requesting State A Partner State that requests or receives support under the
ACT-SAF Programme
Sustainable Aviation Fuels
Supporting Entity A Partner entity that provides resources for the ACT-SAF
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