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Investor Presentaiton

64 AIRPORTS IN THE INTERIOR OF MINAS GERAIS Minas Gerais also has several other airports that operate in the countryside of the state with regular air transport lines. Cities that have airports are Montes Claros, Uberlândia, Uberaba, Araxá, Patos de Minas, Poços de Caldas, Varginha, Pouso Alegre, Divinópolis, Juiz de Fora, São João Del Rei, Ipatinga, Governador Valadares and Diamantina. Montes Claros Diamantina Uberlândia * Uberaba Patos de Minas * Belo Horizonte Araxá * Gov. Valadares Ipatinga Belo Horizonte Divinópolis Passos São João Del Rei Juiz de Fora Varginha Pouso Alegre CONNECTION WITH SEA PORTS CUSTOMS STRUCTURE As the state does not have a coastline, the presence of dry ports in Minas Gerais is important. The objective is to accelerate the customs clearance processes, together with the units of the Customs Industrial Logistic Center (CLIA) and the Special Area for Customs Clearance of Export (REDEX). These ports are located in the cities of Betim, Juiz de Fora, Pouso Alegre, Uberaba, Uberlândia and Varginha, as shown in the following map: PSC Terminais Internacionais Ltda PSC Terminais Internacionais Ltda Porto Seco do Trângulo Ltda Usifast Logística Industrial S/A Cooperativa Regional de Cafeicultores em Guaxupé Ltda. Armazéns Gerais Sul das Gerais Ltda Tora Logistica Armazéns e BH Terminais Multimodais S/A Armazéns Gerais Agrícolas Ltda. Multiterminais Alfandegados do Brasil Ltda. Customs Logistics and Industrial Center (Centro Logístico e Industrial Aduaneiro - CLIA) Dry ports REDEX LOGISTICS OPERATIONS IN MINAS GERAIS ARE INTEGRATED WITH SEAPORTS IN SÃO PAULO - PORT OF SANTOS, RIO DE JANEIRO - PORT OF AÇU, AND ESPÍRITO SANTO - TUBARÃO COMPLEX. PORT OF SANTOS Considered the largest port complex in Latin America, it corresponds to almost a third of Brazilian trade. Managed by Companhia Docas do Estado de São Paulo (CODESP), it is located 70 km from the largest consumer and producer market in the country, Greater São Paulo. The flow of cargo from the branches of MRS Logística and Ferrovia Centro Atlântica S/A (FCA) is carried out via rail to the complex, which is the largest exporter of coffee beans, soybeans, corn, automobiles, and industrialized products in general. PORT OF VITÓRIA Located in the state of Espírito Santo, it is home to the Tubarão Complex, the largest pellet producer in the world, in addition to containing the largest rail yard in Latin America which, together with the eight pellet plants owned by Vale S/A, produces 20 million tons per annum. In addition, Tubarão Complex was designed with a concern with environmental aspects, investing R$ 700 million in environmental improvements and controls to reduce dust emissions, water consumption, and reuse of waste produced. PORT OF AÇU A modern port-industry complex, Porto do Açu is one of the largest infrastructure complexes in the country, installed in São João da Barra, in the north of the state of Rio de Janeiro. This port has ample potential to maximize the logistics operations of mining companies, both through the flow of production and through the importation of inputs and resources. It has the third-largest iron ore terminal in Brazil, responsible for 25% of Brazilian oil exports. It built the largest thermal park in Latin America, houses the largest offshore support base in the world, and is already the third-largest national port in terms of cargo handling. The port has an Export Processing Zone, which is ideal for serving industries such as metal mechanics, mining, ornamental rocks, petrochemicals, and agroindustry. It is a world-class port for having partnerships with the Port of Antwerp International (PAI) in Europe, the Port of Houston in the United States, and the Port of Guangzhou in China. Image: Porto do Açu 65
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