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Investor Presentaiton

HKAS 1.51(a) HKAS 1.49 HK Listco Ltd Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023 HKFRS 7.22A HKFRS 7.22B (i) Hedges of foreign currency risk in forecast transactions 275 At any point in time the group hedges up to [•]% of its estimated foreign currency exposure in respect of highly probable forecast sales and purchases, excluding those transactions denominated in United States dollars which are expected to be entered into by operations with a functional currency of Hong Kong dollars. Such transactions are currently not hedged under the group's foreign currency risk management strategy as the group currently considers the risk of movements in exchange rates between the Hong Kong dollar and the United States dollar to be insignificant. The group uses forward exchange contracts to manage its currency risk until the settlement date of foreign currency receivables or payables. The group designates those forward exchange contracts as hedging instruments in cash flow hedges and does not separate the forward and spot element of a forward exchange contract but instead designates the forward exchange contract in its entirety279 in a hedging relationship. Correspondingly, the hedged item is measured based on the forward exchange rate. The group applies a hedge ratio of 1:1 and determines the existence of an economic relationship between the forward exchange contracts and the highly probable forecast transactions based on their currency amounts and the timing of their respective cash flows. The main sources of ineffectiveness in these hedging relationships are: (i) the effect of the counterparty's and the group's own credit risk on the fair value of the forward exchange contracts which is not reflected in the change in the value of the hedged cash flows attributable to the forward rate; and HKFRS 7.23A & 23B HKFRS 279 (ii) changes in the timing of the hedged transactions. The following table details the forward exchange contracts that have been designated as cash flow hedges of the group's highly probable forecast transactions at the end of the reporting period: 2023 2022 Foreign currency Hong Kong '000 dollar $'000 Foreign currency Hong Kong dollar '000 $'000 Notional amount - Buy [foreign currency X] [●] [♥] [●] Carrying amount (note) -Asset - Liability Note: 2023 2022 $'000 $'000 804 1,465 (40) (20) Forward exchange contract assets and liabilities are included in the "Derivative financial instruments" (note 18). The forward exchange contracts have a maturity of less than one year from the reporting date and have an average exchange rate of [●] between [foreign currency X) and Hong Kong dollar (2022: [●]). Entities may also choose to separate the spot and forward element of a forward contract and designate only the change in the value of the spot element as the hedging instrument. 180 © 2023 KPMG, a Hong Kong partnership and a member firm of the KPMG global organisation of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Limited ("KPMG International"), a private English company limited by guarantee. All rights reserved.
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