Improving Domestic Violence Responses in Rhode Island slide image

Improving Domestic Violence Responses in Rhode Island

Partnerships Recommendation 26 | Establish a standing committee to meet quarterly to review statewide coordinated community responses to DV with representation from BIP providers, BH agencies, community-based service providers serving demographically specific DV populations, DCYF, Department of Human Services, DV service providers, the judiciary, Justice Assistance, law enforcement, RIDOC, and victim compensation. The committee should report annually on their activities and have a mechanism for public feedback per Rhode Island legislation §42-46. The scope of the committee's agenda can be defined by membership, but at a minimum should include the following: ✓ Accessibility of existing domestic violence services The formation or adaptation of an existing advisory board composed of victims and survivors to collaborate with the committee on issues impacting DV service provision The creation of clear guidelines for appropriate information sharing practices among community-based and systems- based partners serving DV victims and survivors as well as individuals convicted of DV offenses Follow-up data studies to be conducted, including a workload of analysis of DV advocates and DV staff at RIDOC ✓ The development of appropriate partnerships between BH and SUD programming for individuals to expand availability of resources for people who are perpetrating DV, including a potential warm line or other services available pre-adjudication Clarity of roles and scope of work among service providers to ease access to and understanding of services available for victims and survivors The Council of State Governments Justice Center | 48
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