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Investor Presentaiton

PPL's Credit Ratings PPL Corporation Credit Rating S&P Moody's Secured NR NR PPL Capital Funding Unsecured NR NR Credit Rating S&P Moody's Long-term Issuer A- Baa1 Outlook Stable Stable Secured NR NR Unsecured BBB+ Baa1 Long-term Issuer Outlook A- Stable NR Stable Rhode Island Energy LG&E and KU PPL Electric Utilities Credit Rating S&P Moody's Credit Rating S&P Moody's Credit Rating S&P Moody's Secured A NR Secured A A1 Secured A+ A1 Unsecured A- A3 Unsecured NR NR Unsecured NR NR Long-term Issuer A- A3 Long-term Issuer A- A3 Long-term Issuer A A3 Outlook Stable Stable Outlook Stable Stable Outlook Stable Stable Note: As of September 30, 2022. ppl 30 50
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