GN Making Life Sound Better
Living with untreated hearing loss increases the risk of health problems
The incidence of dementia is greater in people
with hearing loss¹, and early studies show that
wearing hearing aids may have a positive
effect on cognitive function2
People with mild hearing loss were nearly three
times more likely to have a history of falling than
those with no hearing loss³. One study shows that
wearing hearing aids may improve balance4
Wearing hearing aids reduce the risk of
Untreated hearing loss reduces quality of life 6
1 Lin FR, Metter EJ, O'Brien RJ, Resnick SM, Zonderman A, Ferrucci L. Hearing loss and incident dementia. Arch Neurol. 2011 Feb;68(2):214-20
2 Lancet Commission on Dementia Prevention: Intervention and Care Reference, August 2019
3 Lin F. & Ferrucci, L. (2012) Hearing Loss and Falls Among Older People in the United States. Arch Intern Med. 2012;172(4):369-371
4 Hullar, T: The effect of hearing aids on postural stability. Laryngoscope, 2014.
Hearing Industries Association: MT10:MarkeTrak, March 27, 2019
6 Kochkin, S. MarkeTrak VIII: Patients report improved quality of life with hearing aid usage, Hearing Journal, Vol. 64 (6), June 2011.
GN Making Life Sound Better
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