Investor Presentation - CNP Assurances Corporate Bond Portfolio and SCR Coverage Ratio
Definition of corporate mission KPIs
Green investment portfolio
The KPI measures green investments in the portfolios of CNP Assurances and its subsidiaries (excluding unit-linked funds). These investments contribute to
one or more environmental objectives (climate change, biodiversity, circular economy, pollution, water):
Green bonds issued by a government or a company
Forests certified as being sustainably managed
Buildings with an energy or environmental label
⚫ SFDR Article 9 funds that have sustainable investment or a reduction in carbon emissions as their objective
• Infrastructure assets and non-listed companies (private equity) whose main business is related to the environment
The definition of these green investments is broader than in the European taxonomy
Carbon footprint of our investment portfolio
The KPI measures the scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions of the companies in which CNP Assurances has invested directly (shares, corporate bonds,
infrastructure assets). It is expressed in kgeqCO2/€k invested
Carbon footprint of our internal operations
The KPI measures CNP Assurances' scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions generated by the use of petrol and diesel, natural gas, fuel oil, air conditioning.
electricity and heating networks. It is expressed in teqCO₂
Coverage rate of the forestry asset biodiversity indicator
The KPI measures the surface area of forests owned by CNP Assurances that have been subject to a biodiversity measurement using a recognised method
(Potential Biodiversity Inventories). It is expressed as a percentage of the total surface area of our forestry assets
Investor Presentation
March 23
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