Investor Presentaiton
and multi-layered process, DARS anticipates that updated state regulations will be in place soon and sup-
port the already existing practices that do not place additional restrictions on local ombudsman entities
as required by Section (705) (a)(5) of the OAA.
AS and APS is available for “any person 60 years of age or older, or any person 18 years of age or older
who is incapacitated and who resides in the Commonwealth” (§ 63.2-1600 et seq. of the Code of Virgin-
ia). Virginia operates a 24-hour APS Hot-Line (1-888-832-3858) to receive reports of suspected abuse,
neglect or exploitation, and laws govern specific mandated reporters (§ 63.2-1606 of the Code of Virgin-
ia). Sections 51.5-148 and 63.2-1600 et seq. of the Code of Virginia as well as 22VAC30-100 of the Vir-
ginia Administrative Code outline requirements for the delivery of APS programming. This is supplement-
ed with an APS Policy Manual used by all APS staff across the 120 LDSS. DARS provides training and
technical assistance to support compliance with these laws, regulations and policies. Further, confidenti-
ality is a pillar of the State LTC Ombudsman Program practice and the operations of Virginia's AS and APS
programs. State laws and regulations, specifically §§ 51.5-134 through 143, 51.5-148, 63.2-1600 et
seq. of the Code of Virginia, and 22VAC30-60 and 22VAC30-100 of the Virginia Administrative Code, pro-
vide clear parameters for staff who work with these programs. As needed, DARS consults with counsel
with the Virginia OAG regarding any concerns about confidentiality or the disclosure of information about
clients. Combined, these spell out all the elements required under Section (705) (a)(6) of the OAA.
All assurances within this information requirement are met under federal and state regulations of the
May 13, 2019
ahy a Hayfield
Kathryn'A. Hayfield, Commissioner
Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services
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