Albertan Canada Economic and Pipeline Update slide image

Albertan Canada Economic and Pipeline Update

Fiscal policy Revenue sources (1) evenue Rev (billions) $60 $50 $40 $30 $20 $10 $0 • Non-Renewable Resource Revenue can be large, but variable 2010-11A 2011-12A 2012-13A 2013-14A Non-Renewable Resource Revenue GoC Transfers 2017-18F 2018-19T 2014-15A 2015-16A 2016-17A Income and Other Taxes Investment Income 2019-20T Net Income from Gov Business Enterprises Premiums, Fees and Licences Other (1) A Actual, F= Forecast, T=Target. . Combined other sources provide stability and support growth • Transfers from GoC of $8B in 2017-18, or 18% of total revenue 9 Alberta Canada
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