2022 Full Year Results slide image

2022 Full Year Results

IPS - Insurance and WAM1 Activity 31.12.22 31.12.21 €bn %Var/ 31.12.21 %Var/ 30.09.22 30.09.22 Assets under management (€bn) 1,189.2 1,276.7 -6.9% 1,175.5 +1.2% Insurance 246.6 282.2 -12.6% 248.4 -0.7% Wealth Management 410.8 426.7 -3.7% 407.7 +0.8% AM+RE+PI 531.8 567.9 -6.3% 519.3 +2.4% Asset Management 501.2 537.3 -6.7% 487.8 +2.7% Real Estate Services 29.7 29.6 +0.2% 30.6 -3.1% Principal Investment 1.0 0.9 +3.0% 0.9 +2.5% %Var/ %Var/ 4Q22 4Q21 3Q22 4Q21 3Q22 Net asset flows (€bn) 17.5 28.9 -39.6% 5.4 n.s. Insurance -1.6 2.5 n.s. -0.2 n.s. Wealth Management 3.4 2.6 +34.1% 4.2 -18.7% AM+RE+PI 15.7 23.8 -34.3% 1.4 n.s. Asset Management 15.1 23.0 -34.0% 0.8 n.s. Real Estate Services 0.5 0.6 -6.7% 0.6 -10.9% Principal Investment 0.0 0.3 n.s. 0.0 n.s. Assets under management: +€13.7bn vs. 30.09.22, including Market effect: +€18.5bn, favourable impact from the financial markets rebound Net asset inflows: +€17.5bn, very good net asset inflows at Wealth Management and Asset Management Forex effect: -€20.3bn, with the strengthening in the euro . -€87.5bn vs. 31.12.21 BNP PARIBAS 1. Wealth Management, Asset Management, Real Estate and Principal Investments The bank for a changing world 2022 Full Year Results | 87
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