Investor Presentaiton
IMO 2020 - Alternatives
Install a scrubber
Can continue to run on 3,5%S HFO bunker fuel
Possible to retrofit
Price/Availability (lead time for delivery)
Uncertainty about quality
Run on compliant fuels (MGO or LSFO)
0,5% sulfur fuels on open seas and 0,1% in
Emission Control Areas (ECA)
Invest in Dual Fuel Engines (LNG or liquid fuels)
Expensive and LNG bunker is not commonly
• LNG makes up around 2.5% of marine fuel
consumption, and is not meaningful in a
2020 perspective.
Scrap the "thirsty old ladies"/ find alternative use
3 (4) types of Scrubber solutions
Open Loop - in the ocean
Closed Loop - stored on board
Hybrid Can do both
"Scrubber ready"
Sulphate is a naturally occurring constituent of
seawater. The large amount of sulphate in
seawater is derived from volcanic activities and
degassing at the seafloor. Further, sulphates reach
the oceans via river flows, but the concentration in
open seawater remains constant at around 2.65 g/l
[8] or about 20kg of Sulphur per ton of seawater.
Studies [1] and in field testing [4] confirm that the
sulphate increase from exhaust gas scrubbing will
be insignificant when compared with the quantity
already in the oceans.
An analogy that has been used is if all the Sulphur
in the world's oceans were to be removed, it
would form a layer around the earth about 1.7M
thick. All the Sulphur in all the known oil reserves
would add only another 10 micron to this layer.
(10 microns = 0,01 millimeters) - EGCSA
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