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Investor Presentaiton

A Region fully focused on addressing the Covid-19 crisis: an action plan in 3 acts Act I A strong and immediate response to the crisis Act II A regional COP for a greener Île- de-France 1.3 billion euros dedicated and 90% spent by the end of 2020 The largest stimulus plan in France after the State 1. Economy, 2. Training and return to employment, 3. Solidarity, purchasing power, health and research, 4. Environment and participatory budget for a territories scaled recovery 192 proposals to make Île-de-France a Region with zero net artificialization, zero net emissions, and zero net resources Proposals implemented as of January 2021: retrofitting, collection and recycling of disposable masks, strengthened brownfields plan, structuring of the Ile-de-France bio-based materials industry Act III An unprecedented multi-year investment plan 20 billion euros between 2021 and 2027, 5,5 billion of which in the 2021-2022 period A recovery plan, which covers all areas of intervention of the Region: transport, with a record of € 1 billion of investment from 2021, high schools with the review of the multi-year investment plan, but also economic development and innovation, health and research, environmental transition, culture, sport... while relying on the European recovery plan, including the crisis funds REACT-EU Région îledeFrance © Finance Department - Region Ile-de-France 54 ...
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