Credit Suisse Risk Organization Strategic Goals and Performance
We have nearly doubled our investments in security
We have prioritized security...
Investment and priorities the face of an evolving threat and regulatory landscape
Focus areas to date
Cyber security spend
Sustained increase in cyber security
investment including planned migration to Zero
Trust architecture responding to the exponential
increase of cyber threats and the need to meet
client and regulatory expectations
✓ Continued cyber risk reduction with focus on
strategic capability build in cybersecurity, risk
management, supply chain and financial crime
✓ Drive to Security First approach across
technology capabilities, moving to security and
resilience by design
Focus on minimizing complexity through
automation and adoption of modern best practices
Increased controls to enhance the security
of our assets, applications and systems
Improved access management controls
including significant reduction in privileged
access accounts
Deployment of enhanced tools to monitor,
analyze and manage our cyber security
Threat-led approach including enriched
✡ malware detection controls reducing the
risk of ransomware
Deployment of authenticated vulnerability
scanning and augmented patching
process to reduce system downtime
Future (committed)
Footnotes are an integral part of this presentation. See slides 62-67 in the appendix of this presentation for detailed information, including
important presentation and other information relating to non-GAAP financial measures, and defined terms.
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