$1b Recovery Plan slide image

$1b Recovery Plan

Qantas Domestic¹ FY 1H 2H FY22 FY19 1H22 1H19 2H22 2H19 Variance% Variance% Variance% Revenue $M 3,448 6,098 [43] 1,127 3,230 (65) 2,321 2,868 (19) Underlying EBITDA SM (27) 1,503 <(100) (265) 857 <(100) 238 646 (63) Underlying EBIT $M (765) 778 <[100] (613) 478 <(100) (152) 300 <(100) Operating Margin % <0 12.8 N/A <0 14.8 N/A <0 10.5 N/A ASKS Σ 21,233 33,866 (37) 7,677 17,314 (56) 13,556 16,552 [18] Seat factor % 60.9 77.8 (16.9pts) 49.6 79.6 (30.0pts) 67.2 75.8 (8.6pts) 1. 1H19, 2H19 and FY19 restated for the impact of the adoption of AASB 16 and the September 2019 IFRIC decision in relation to the accounting treatment of fair value hedges of foreign currency risk on non-financial assets. | 31
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