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Investor Presentaiton

60 50 Chairman of the Advisory Board for Climate Change Policies Sarwono Kusumaatmadja and Executive Secretary of the Advisory Board for Climate Change Policies Agus Justianto are present on the site of Climate Corner Discussion "A Just Law Enforcement in the Effort of Carbon Emission Reduction". (Jakarta, 10 August 2022) Distribution of the Higher Education Institutions Participation in Climate Corner Discussion during August September 2022 SUMATERA Univan Syah Kuala Sumatera Utara Malaysia Singapura Pulau Natal Kandung UMC Universitas Kaning 9 PCI Mad Unita Nusa Bang Teknologi Bandung Dam Universitas Na Universitas Dip LUN Univonta Neg M Indonesia Maik Livia Mul Usmita Tinj P LAU Univnitas R U ✪ Universitas Anulalan JAWA Uni Unita levaba Sekolah Tinggi Meteonslog Klimatologi dan Ge Skolah Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian Graha Karya Pertanian Bogor Usivitanong Univetas Muhammadiyah Palembang UL Universitas Almam KALIMANTAN Piknik Kesi Ullam Cinn 9 STIPR Teknologi Sepuluh Nopemberian Kalijaga U S Universitas Tri Tanggadewi Univenta Pekalonga Islam M STIEPAR YAPARI Bandung Univers Amber Unitas Mer Universitas Muhammadiyah Bangkang Sun D Universitas Tesky Umar Teknologi Sumater Sty Indone stitut Teknologi Yogyakarta SULAWESI Univasanadin Unmita Polwa Universitas Tad PK dan Perikanan Bone NUSA TENGGARA TIMUR Kang NUSA TENGGARA BARAT 9 Nadal NTB Livemitas Hala O Univenta Sul U open M Leivonta Negen Corra MALUKU PAPUA Piversitas Pap Universitas Klainus Unit Cenderawasih MALUKU UTARA Sekolah Tinggi Piala Usitas Lancang Kaning Unioritas Pogoni S Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang BALI Uni Liversitas Muhammadiyah Tangg 4.4 Public's Participation The echoes of Indonesia's FOLU Net Sink 2030 are gradually expanding. Many parties showed their willingness to and participation in promoting the FOLU Net Sink agenda. The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN Indonesia), the umbrella organization of Indonesian business chambers and associations, is one of the parties who support the FOLU Net Sink Agenda. It set up Net Zero Hub, a pathway to encourage all business actors to support the country's target of reaching Net Zero Emissions, as determined in Indonesia' Long-Term Strategy for Low Carbon and Climate Resilience (LTS-LCCR). Moreover, KADIN developed a Regenerative Forest Business Sub Hub (RFBSH) program to promote a multi-forestry business model in Multi-forestry production forest management. businesses will encourage sustainable forest management and become fundamental to realising Indonesia's FOLU Net Sink 2030 commitment. S1 CABARE AUFEA ALAM KADIN INDONESIA At the Kick-Off Meeting of RFBSH KADIN Indonesia, Director of Forest Resources Processing and Marketing Development Krisdianto, representing Director General of Sustainable Forest Management Agus Justianto, states that the implementation of forestry multi-business will boost sustainable forest management and is important to fulfill Indonesia's FOLU Net Sink 2030 commitment. (Jakarta, 24 May 2022) 51
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