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Investor Presentaiton

Biome Australia Clinical pipeline- Indication overview Three ongoing clinical trials and further research opportunities in discussion Commercial in confidence LA TROBE UNIVERSITY BIOME LIFT Assessing the efficacy of the Biome Lift™ Probiotic compared to a placebo in reducing the severity of symptoms in patients with subthreshold depression. Federation University BIOME KIDS Analysing the influence of probiotic use on absenteeism and immune health among children aged 2-5 years attending childcare centres. LA TROBE UNIVERSITY BIOME OSTEO Examining the effect of 12-month supplementation with Biome Osteo on bone metabolism as well as bone mineral density. Endpoints . Measures of anxiety, stress and mood • Effects on biomarkers of inflammatory, immune, and stress responses . The gut microbiota composition and function (via fecal samples assessing microbiota genome and functional predictions of gut microbiota) • Body composition markers . Gastrointestinal symptoms Trial completed & Results Received Publication expected in Q2-3 FY24. Assessment criteria and outcomes: . The duration of symptoms of common infections (gastrointestinal and respiratory infections, etc) The number of children with different varieties of infectious diseases (gastrointestinal infections; respiratory infections; hand foot and mouth disease etc) Use of antibiotics or other medication related to infectious diseases Changes in mood and behaviour (secondary outcome) Recruitment completed, past midway point Trial expected to be completed in Q2 FY24, with preliminary results in Q3 FY24 Endpoints: DXA measurements Blood indices e.g. vitamin D, P1NP (collagen deposition, marker for bone formation) and CTX (marker for bone rate turnover) Gut microbiota composition Body composition . Recruitment Completed and Trial Underway Preliminary results are expected in Q4 FY24 and final results in Q1 FY25 Company Presentation | August 2023 18
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