Investor Presentaiton
Safe Harbour
Certain statements and opinions with respect to the anticipated future performance of Jupiter Wagons Ltd (JWL) in the
presentation ("forward-looking statements"), which reflect various assumptions concerning the strategies, objectives and
anticipated results may or may not prove to be correct. Such forward-looking statements involve several risks, uncertainties
and assumptions which could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the
forward-looking statements. These include, among other factors, changes in economic, political, regulatory, business or
other market conditions. Such forward-looking statements only speak as at the date the presentation is provided to the
recipient and JWL is not under any obligation to update or revise such forward-looking statements to reflect new events or
circumstances. No representation or warranty (whether express or implied) is given in respect of any information in this
presentation or that this presentation is suitable for the recipient's purposes. The delivery of this presentation does not
imply that the information herein is correct as at any time after the date hereof and JWL has no obligation whatsoever to
update any of the information or the conclusions contained herein or to correct any inaccuracies which may become
apparent subsequent to the date hereof
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