Blue Stripe Fund Summary slide image

Blue Stripe Fund Summary

AMUR CAPITAL PORTFOLIO COMPOSITION 100% of the mortgage portfolio is secured against residential real estate BLUE STRIPE The fund concentrates predominantly on second mortgages that have higher LTVs than our other funds, but at much smaller mortgage sizes with shorter terms. PORTFOLIO LTV Position # Files Total Value¹ LTV Average Exposure Average Yield & AVERAGE First Mortgages Second Mortgages 1 295 EXPOSURE PER LOAN Other 47 TOTAL MORTGAGES 343 $0.11 M $14.53 M $2.53 M $17.17 M 59.0% $112,638 12.75% 74.2% $49,245 15.66% 67.3% $53,788 14.89% 73.1% $50,053 15.53% 4.6% ■ ON ■1 Year or Less 38.9% 39.5% BC ■1 to 2 Years GEOGRAPHIC COMPOSITION ■ AB MORTGAGE MATURITY 44.4% 51.0% ■ Over 2 Years 21.6% Data as of 30 June 2023. 1) Total value of mortgages in the portfolio, excludes cash balance. 6
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