Capital First Strategy, Loan Growth and Profitability Trends slide image

Capital First Strategy, Loan Growth and Profitability Trends

Section 4: The Bank continues to see strong growth in Retail Deposits. This has reduced the dependence on wholesale deposits and has provided greater stability. In Rs. Crore Legacy Long Term Bonds Infra Bonds Refinance - Legacy Portfolio - New Portfolio Other Borrowings Total Borrowings (A) CASA Term Deposits* Total Customer Deposits (B) Certificate of Deposits (C) Money Market Borrowings (D) Borrowings + Deposits (A)+(B)+(C)+(D) CASA % of Deposits Customer Deposits as % of Borrowings + Deposits * Dec-19 Sep-20 Dec-20 QOQ % YOY% 12,705 10,331 9,460 -8% -26% 10,434 9,522 9,514 0% -9% 13,478 10,566 8,297 -21% -38% 2136 1349 601 -55% -72% 11,342 9,217 7,696 -17% -32% 15,196 11,310 8,997 -20% -41% 51,812 41,729 36,267 -13% -30% 16,204 30,181 40,563 34% 150% 38,427 39,187 36,726 -6% -4% 54,631 69,368 77,289 11% 41% 12,720 5,399 6,673 24% -48% 15,213 5,984 4,538 -24% -70% 134,377 122,479 124,768 2% -7% 24.06% 40.66% 40.37% 56.64% 48.31% 61.95% Though the customer Term Deposits are Rs. 36,726 crores, the underlying composition of Terms Deposits have improved substantially. Retail Term Deposits were up 27% over last year and Wholesale Term Deposits were reduced by 29% YOY, resulting in overall reduction of 4% YoY in Term Deposits. Section 4: Update on Liabilities 45 IDFC FIRST Bank
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