Investor Presentaiton
Tax structure
Investment incentives
Enhanced Capital Allowances
Enhanced capital allowances are granted for investments into new businesses,
in addition to the general capital allowance available.
An enhanced capital allowance of 100% of the expenses incurred by a company
on depreciable assets, other than intangible assets, during a year of
assessment shall be granted to a person who invests in new business in Sri
Lanka for that year, if the total expenses incurred by such company during that
year on depreciable assets (other than intangible assets) that are used in a part
of Sri Lanka other than the Northern Province exceeds USD 3 Million but does
not exceed USD 100 Million.
An enhanced capital allowance of 150% is granted if above investment exceeds
USD 100 million (used in a part of Sri Lanka other than the Northern Province)
An enhanced capital allowance of 200% of the expenses incurred by a person
on depreciable assets, other than intangible assets, is granted if investment
exceeds USD 3 million where assets are used in the Northern Province.
Extended period for loss claim
An extended period of 10 years is granted to the company for carrying forward
and claiming of unrelieved loss which has been created as a result of claiming
the enhanced capital allowance
© 2020 KPMG, a Sri Lankan partnership and a member firm of the KPMG network of independent member firms affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International"), a Swiss entity.
All rights reserved. Printed in Sri Lanka.
Document Classification: KPMG Confidential
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