NHPC Capacity Addition and Financial Overview slide image

NHPC Capacity Addition and Financial Overview

Particulars Revenue from Operation 9316.34 1717.43 8309.22 1505.76 12.12 14.06 Other Income 834.56 253.78 1026.18 501.72 -18.67 -49.42 Financial Highlights: Standalone FY'23 12 Months Qtr-4 12 Months FY'22 % Change Qtr-4 12 Months Qtr-4 एनएचपीसी NHPC 8 Rs. In Crore Revenue & Expenditure-Analysis Expenditure FY'23 Other Expenses, 31% Employee Benefit Expenses 23% Revenue FY'23 Other Income 8% Total Income (A) 10150.90 1971.21 9335.40 2007.48 8.74 -1.81 Generation Expenses 936.46 152.07 841.24 134.10 11.32 13.40 Generation Expenses 17% Employee Benefits 1301.35 Expense 416.93 5.93 1440.78 498.35 35 9.68 16. -16.34 Revenue Fr. Oper.92% Finance Cost 8% Depreciation, 21% Finance Cost 476.16 112.21 531.75 133.14 -10.45 -15.72 Revenue Vs. Net Profit Vs. Dividend Depre. & Amort. Expense 1145.44 286.25 1126.22 280.26 1.71 2.14 12000 10151 20% 14.60% 16.00% 15.00% 9335 18.50% 18% Other Expenses 1707.89 486.40 1348.55 449.66 26.65 10000 8.17 8507 8161 8735 16% 14% 8000 18.10% Total Expenditure(B) 5567.30 30 145 12% 1453.86 5288.54 1495.51 5.27 -2.79 6000 10% 3834 8% PBT(Before RRA)(C=A-B) 4000 3007 3233 3538 4583.60 517.35 4046.86 511.97 13.26 1.05 2631 6% 4% 2000 Rate Regu. Income (D) -144.41 215.56 -1270.42 74.38 -88.63 189.81 2% 0 0% PBT (After RRA) (E=C+D) Tax (F) 2018-19 4439.19 732.91 2776.44 586.35 59.89 25.00 2019-20 Revenue 2020-21 Net Profit 2021-22 2022-23 Dividend Rs. In Crore Profit After Tax (G=E-F) 3833.79 605.40 163.44 569.47 -761.27 3537.71 560.09 26.26 -179.53 8.37 522.39 1.67 Interim Dividend - 14.00% & Final Dividend 4.50%.
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