Investor Presentaiton
Key Takeaways
Unrivalled franchise in an economy that is recovering fast; Exit from Troika MoU in March 2016
CET1 ratio (transitional basis) at 14,0%, well above the minimum regulatory requirement; the Bank does not
need to raise any capital; Leverage ratio at 12,6%, one of the highest ratios among EU peers.
Improving funding structure with an increasing deposit base in Cyprus; L/D ratio at 121% and customer
deposits at 61% of total assets
ELA reduced by €7,9 bn or 69% to €3,5 bn through deleveraging actions, capital issue proceeds, repayment
of a bond by the Republic of Cyprus and customer inflows; To fully repay by end-2017
90+ DPD down by €1,3 bn or 10% during FY2015; 90+ DPD provision coverage improved by 7 percentage
points to 48% at 31 December 2015
Foreclosure legislation and insolvency framework can now be used as one of the tools for the effective
management of problem loans
Set-up of REMU to take ownership of, manage and monetise real estate assets in settlement of
customer obligations
Recurring pre-provision profitability stabilising, though bottom-line profitability affected by elevated
provisions for impairments
Bank of Cyprus
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