Financial Performance and Risk Management Overview slide image

Financial Performance and Risk Management Overview

PRUDENT APPROACH TO RESERVING AND REINSURANCE PRUDENT RESERVING PRACTICES ROBUST REINSURANCE FRAMEWORK • Closely monitor adequacy of reserves • Favourable prior year development (PYD) (1) in 9 out of 10 years between 2013-2022 • 2013-2022 average favourable PYD of 1.7% (2) Structured to provide protection against individual large losses and catastrophe events above a certain threshold and to assist with mitigating underwriting risk 97.7% of the Company's reinsurers have a credit rating of "A-” or better, as of December 31, 2022 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% 10-YEAR PYD (1) 10-Year average: favourable 1.7% (2.0%) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Restated In 2023 the upper limit of our Excess of Loss structure increased from $1.8 billion to $1.95 billion to support growth capacity. We retain participations on reinsurance layers between the retention and maximum limit averaging 8.6% for 2023 (2022: 3.4%) including an average of 42.5% between the retention and up to a $100 million loss (2022: 0%). To mitigate against the volatility of catastrophe events we also continued with our 100% placement of the catastrophe aggregate treaty in 2023 on the same terms as 2022. 1. This is a supplementary financial measure, non-GAAP financial measure, or a non-GAAP ratio. Refer to Supplementary Financial Measures and Non-GAAP Financial Measures and Ratios advisory and Section 12 Supplementary financial measures and non-GAAP financial measures and ratios in the Q1-2023 MD&A for further details. 2. Favourable (adverse) development on prior year claims, undiscounted. The years of 2013-2021 are under IFRS 4 and full year 2022 under IFRS 17. definity. 23
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