Investor Presentaiton
SA Inc. Research - Singapore
1. Global South African's in the Singaporean market
acknowledge the importance of collaborating with Brand
South Africa and the High Commission in terms of
marketing and positioning the Nation Brand.
Key findings in Singapore
Global South Africans &
Singapore Business Dinner
22 November 2011
Carlton Hotel Singapore
2. Global South African's in the market understand how
critical their role is in promoting the country and thus
despite the issues faced back home, they speak positively
about the country.
3.The positive uptake of research and analysis conducted
by Brand South Africa and the need to be regularly
informed about new research papers for the High
Commission, Global South African's and Singaporeans alike.
4. As anchor market in Asia, more work needs to be done to
enhance familiarity with South Africa among key audiences
in Singapore
South Africa
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