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Investor Presentaiton

Perform asset impairment testing (1/2) 1. Indication of impairment* 2. Determining the recoverable amount 3. Inclusion of future investments Identification of one or more signs of impairment; Use of the external sources of information, internal sources of information, dividend from a subsidiary, joint venture or associate Need to determine the recoverable amount of an asset or a cash-generating unit (CGU) and compare it with its carrying amount; Need to take into account both direct and indirect effects of environmental change (Impairment of intangible assets, including goodwill, and tangible assets). Need to take into account various elements and aspects of risk, which may be dealt with either as adjustments to the discount rate or to the cash flows. Variations in amount or timing of cash flows When taking into account changes in the environment, more importance is attached to external evidence (Impairment and impairment reversal indicator modelling). It is key to understand whether the investment is required to continue operating assets and, therefore, would be akin to maintenance; Use of multiple scenarios (1. Impairment methodology - Value in use 2. Impairment of non-financial assets). *Impairment indicators include significant changes in the technological, market, economic or legal environment that have an adverse effect on the entity, evidence of an asset's obsolescence and observable indications that the asset's value has declined. **effects-of-climate-related-matters-on-financial-statements.pdf ( Page 26 9 August 2023 How to prepare a report in compliance with IFRS S1/S2? $1 EY
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