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Investor Presentaiton

CIVMEC Engineering Success Project Snapshot Resources Western Range CIVMEC INVESTOR PRESENTATION Q3 FY2023 CLIENT Rio Tinto LOCATION Paraburdoo, Pilbara region Western Australia DURATION mid 2023 mid 2025 OVERVIEW This iron ore project includes Greenfields and Brownfields scope with the construction of a new Run of Mine (ROM) pad, primary crushing facility, overland conveying circuit and modifications to the Coarse Ore Stockpile (COS) and downstream conveying system. To tie into the existing plant, the Brownfields scope includes extensive modifications to the current Paraburdoo COS and downstream conveying system. This includes addition of new feed points at the COS, new ore transfer equipment, conveyor replacements, conveyor upgrades, drive replacements and a range of other general modifications to receive the new ore stream. PAGE 24
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