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Investor Presentaiton

THE NEW EUROPEAN COMMISSION PRESIDENT PLANS TO INCREASE THE AMBITIONS EVEN FURTHER Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels Share of renewable energy sources in total final energy consumption Energy savings (EED***) compared to business-as-usual predictions from 2007 Declaration of,,Green Deal for Europe": Increase the emission reduction target for 2030 from 40% to 50%-55% Europe will be the first greenhouse gas emission neutral continent by 2050 (relevant legislation will be provided in first 100 days in office) ■Consider implementation of CO2 tax on goods imported from countries with weak climate policies Partial transformation of the European Investment Bank into a "Climate Bank" to unlock 1 trillion euros for climate investments in the following decade ■ Financial support for less developed regions (so called,,Just transition fund") Energy savings mentioned only implicitly Π Pressure on decarbonization will grow further ■ Strong long-term incentive for CO2 price growth 2 Note: The areas are assigned for better orientation. Ursula von der Leyen did not assign areas explicitly. CEZ GROUP
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