Investor Presentaiton
The Outpatient Reform Program continued to deliver improvements to timely
access to outpatient services in line with recommendation 11 of the Sustainable
Health Review Final Report. The Manage My Care outpatient appointment
application is now supporting almost 100,000 patients and carers to manage
their outpatient care. Referral access criteria to guide general practitioners when
referring patients to speciality outpatient services are now in place across 5
specialties, with ophthalmology and direct access endoscopy introduced this year.
A new service delivery and workforce model for the Central Referral Service was
implemented, and planning is underway to bring a second region into scope for
this service. Funding was also secured to deliver the Smart Referrals project that
will digitally transform the referral management process.
In May 2023, the WA Health Data Linkage Strategy 2022-2024 was released.
The strategy will modernise, simplify and improve access to health data and
encourages greater collaboration and partnerships across the Western Australian
public, research, and not-for-profit sectors, to support improvements to the
state's secure data linkage system. The available data will be used to inform
patient care, monitor, and evaluate health outcomes, plan and allocate resources,
support research, and ensure compliance and accountability that will ultimately
benefit patients and the community. In addition, the first phase of the PeopleWA
data sharing and linkage program to establish a central, modern and world class
consolidated whole-of-government data linkage and analytics platform was
completed. This was a collaborative initiative with the Department of the Premier
and Cabinet's Office of Digital Government.
The department is aware of the importance of culture and workforce in driving
key elements of sustainability and supporting new models of care. As a result,
the department has been leading several initiatives to grow, build and shape its
workforce based on new models of care and to tackle immediate and emerging
The 10-year draft Health and Social Care Workforce Strategy is nearing
completion. The inaugural strategy was based on the need to build capability and
capacity in the health and social care workforce of the future. The strategy is the
result of a collaborative and coordinated effort between the health and social care
workforce sectors to meet the needs of the community, consumers, carers, and
their families. A draft implementation plan has also been developed and outlines a
phased approach aligned with initiatives and outcomes of the strategy.
Launched on 22 November 2022, the Mental Health Clinical Workforce Action Plan
aims to address current mental health clinical workforce shortages and ensure an
adequate and sustainable mental health workforce to support delivery of existing
and future mental health services in WA. Work is underway to complete the Child
and Adolescent Mental Health Clinical Workforce Action Plan, aiming to ensure
timely and quality care for children, family, and carers.
The department has been involved in several projects to ensure the sustainability
of the general practitioner workforce in WA. The General Practitioner Hospital
Training Pathway Project successfully transitioned to business as usual in
January 2023. The program has increased the profile of general practitioners
and enhanced general practitioner training in Western Australian hospitals. A
consortium between the department and WA Country Health Service successfully
secured $4.9 million of Commonwealth funding for the John Flynn Prevocational
Doctor Program, to increase primary care rotations for hospital-based junior
doctors in rural areas. In addition, the department is supporting the WA Country
Health Service with the proposal of a single employer model trial for rural generalist
and/or general practitioners in WA. The trial will allow for general practitioners
and rural generalist trainees to transition between hospital and community
based primary care placements under the one employer to ensure comparable
employment conditions.
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Significant issues Report on operations Agency performance Operational disclosures ⚫Key performance indicators • Financial disclosures and compliance • AppendixView entire presentation