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Ordinary and Extraordinary General Meeting Presentation

EXHIBIT III - CONSOLIDATED BYLAWS § 2º The Ombudsman's Department shall enjoy the conditions for it to function properly, and the hallmarks of its work will be transparency, independence, impartiality and detachment. § 3º The Ombudsman's Department is assured access to any information required for preparing appropriate responses to any demands received, with full support of the management, and may request information and documents, so that it can carry out its activities in the fulfillment of its duties. Art. 33. The duties of the Ombudsman's Department involve the following activities: to support, record, instruct, analyze and deal in a formal and appropriate manner with demands from clients and users of products and services of the companies comprising the Company's Financial Conglomerate; - II to provide the clarification to the demanding client as to the progress of the demands, informing the estimated deadline for the response; III inform to demanding clients the term for the final reply, which cannot exceed ten (10) business days; - IV to forward a conclusive response to clients' demands within the deadline informed in item III above; V to maintain the Board of Directors, or in its absence, the executive management of the companies comprising the Company's Financial Conglomerate, informed about the problems and deficiencies detected in the fulfillment of its duties and about the result of the adopted measures by the officers and directors of the companies part of the Company's Financial Conglomerate in order to solve them; and VI to prepare and forward to the internal auditors, the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors, or in its absence, the executive management of the companies comprising the Company's Financial Conglomerate at the end of each six-month period, a quantitative and qualitative report about the activities performed by the Ombudsman's Department on the fulfillment of its duties. Sole paragraph. The Board of Directors may remove the Ombudsman from office at any time, should he/she fail to comply with the duties contemplated in article 32 and the activities established in this article. TITLE IX FISCAL YEAR, FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, RESERVES AND DIVIDENDS Art. 34. The fiscal year shall coincide with the calendar year, beginning on January 1, and ending on December 31 of each year, at which time balance sheets and the other financial statements shall be raised, with due regard for the deadlines established in Law 6.404/76 and the rules issued by the Central Bank of Brazil. Art. 35. Pursuant to current legislation, the Company shall raise semi-annual balance sheets in June and December of each fiscal year, with due regard for the following rules where the distribution of income is concerned. Art. 36. The net income ascertained after legal deductions and provisions shall be distributed as follows: 1-5% (five per cent) to the legal reserve, until the latter reaches 20% (twenty per cent) of the share capital; II - 25% (twenty-five per cent) of the adjusted net income, pursuant to article 202 of Law 6.404/76, shall be obligatorily distributed as mandatory dividends to all shareholders; III - the balance, if any, may, under a proposal by the Executive Board and approved by the Board of Directors: (a) be allocated to the Dividend Equalization Reserve, which shall be limited to 50% (fifty per cent) of the share capital and shall serve to guarantee funds for payment of dividends, including as interest on equity, or advances thereon, in order to maintain the remuneration flow to the shareholders, whereby once this limit has been reached, it shall be incumbent on the General Meeting to decide on the balance, distributing it to the shareholders or to increasing the share capital; and/or (b) be retained, so as to meet the capital investment requirements stipulated in the Company's General Budget submitted by management for approval by the General Meeting and reviewed by the latter on an annual basis where the duration exceeds a fiscal year. 34
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