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Investor Presentaiton

CLIMATE HAZARDS RELEVANT FOR HEALTH Climate hazard projections for the Dominican Republic Country-specific projections are outlined up to the year 2100 for climate hazards under a 'business as usual' high emissions scenario compared to projections under a 'two-degree' scenario with rapidly decreasing global emissions (see Figures 1-5). The climate model projections given below present climate hazards under a high emissions scenario, Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 (RCP8.5 - in orange) and a low emissions scenario (RCP2.6 - in green). The text describes the projected changes averaged across about 20 global climate models (thick line). The figures also show each model individually as well as the 90% model range (shaded) as a measure of uncertainty and the annual and smoothed observed record (in blue). In the following text the present-day baseline refers to the 30-year average for 1981-2010 and the end-of-century refers to the 30-year average for 2071-2100. Modelling uncertainties associated with the relatively coarse spatial scale of the models compared with that of small island States are not explicitly represented. There are also issues associated with the availability and representativeness of observed data for such locations. Rising temperature Decrease in total precipitation FIGURE 1: Mean annual temperature, 1900-2100 FIGURE 2: Total annual precipitation, 1900-2100 Mean annual temp (°C) 26 24 30 1 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 Year Total annual ppt (mm) 2500 2000- 1500- 1000- 500- 0- 1900 1950 2000 Year 2050 2100 Under a high emissions scenario, the mean annual temperature is projected to rise by about 3.2°C on average by the end-of-century (i.e. 2071-2100 compared with 1981-2010). If emissions decrease rapidly, the temperature rise is limited to about 1.0°C. Total annual precipitation is projected to decrease by about 16% on average under a high emissions scenario, although the uncertainty range is large (-43% to +4%). If emissions decrease rapidly, there is little projected change on average, with an uncertainty range of -8% to +9%. 4 Health and Climate Change Country Profile
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