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Investor Presentaiton

Odfjell at a glance Odfjell Tankers Odfjell Terminals Capital Allocation Summary We have recently launched new and ambitious climate targets which goes further than IMO targets - this is the foundation for our SL Framework 1 Odfjell will cut greenhouse gas emission by 50% by 2030 compared to 2008* 2 Odfjell is dedicated to pursuing a zero-emission strategy and will only order vessels with zero-emission technology from 2030 3 Odfjell will have a climate neutral fleet from 2050 4 Odfjell will actively support initiatives to develop technology and infrastructure for zero emissions and support international regulation to drive zero emission for our industry "At Odfjell, we build for the future, and act today for a better tomorrow" * Emissions based on transport work and Annual Efficiency Ratio (AER) 8 ODFJELL Odfjel's climate targets Efficiency fuel consumption and emissions go hand in hand. To improve fuel efficiency and reduce fa consumption and emissions Odfel has as a constant focus on improving our meet this nudes investing in new ships deploying retrofit programs. Investing in new technology and optimizing the way we operate Since 2008 Cell has run several normal program. resulting in a 373% reduction in our cation intensity by 2020. This means that we have already taken several big steps. Further reduction poses even bigger challenges but we commit to connue improving and have as of September 2020 set ambitious climate targets which go beyond the tangots of the IMO strategy. Sustainability-Linked Finance Framework 21 December 2020 Target 1 Odfjell will cut the carbon sity of our ox by by 2030 compared to 2008 Target fell will have a climate neutral feet from 2050 Target 2 Off dedicated to pursue- emission strategy and will orby order vessels with t-emiton cyf303 Target wil actively spagetittied to and support imemutional regulation dive coro omasion for our indiary develop technology and instruc Today, there are no commercianty table atmatives to a combustion engine when transporting volumes over great distances The shipping industry needs to find Solutions reduce and develop commercially available zero emission ships to be operational from 2030 That is why Catet has joined the ting to Zero Coalition as an active partner, colaborating with the ustry, the energy sector, the financial sector, governments and intemational governmental organizations to find solutions for a climate neutral flot in 2060 The Cotons in a partnership between the Cle Mare Forum The Friends of Ocean adion, and the Wond Economic Forum, as well as other industry We have also joined forces with industry partners to develop a new and flexole fuel cel technology that can reduce emissions tom shipping by ap to 100% Partners from shoping. R&D and all and gas are now constructing apior that can use different types of fuel. The system wil fst be lested at the Sofainable Energy colapull serter in Norway before instalation onboard an Odjel ship. The unique pject was presented on October 1, 2000 In 2019 took a position on the use of scrubbers, stating that scrubbers would not support the ambition to reduce sulphur emessons Using scrubbers would also increase energy consumption and hence increase 00: Since 2000 cenas nun the feet on (Vere Low Suprur Fuel Oh, sulphur under 0.5%) and MGO (Marine Gas Oil, suur 0.1%) To achieve the ambitious target or cuting transport work issions by 50% Otel has prepared a fleet transtion The plan on a ship bass the Feet Transtion Plan FeTransition Plan dudes detailed actors, specific to all our ships in our controlled fleet, to further improve energy efficiency and nit emissions by implementing a set of technical operational and digtal measures avoday. The Fleet Transon Plan a cludes a plan for feet composition development, and an action plan for preparing the next generation feet for 200 msions sousons The Fleet Transition Plan domoretrates that achieving the targets is possible, and wand prices come be accelerated as technology down. The complete plan will not be mase puttc but will be reviewed by Dev O during the Second Party Opinion Our work on dimate supports the UN Sustantie Development Goals (SDGs) 7.12.13 and 14. CO 14 Fe >>
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