Investor Presentaiton
Principles of Macroprudential Intermediation Ratio (MIR)*
MIR (Conventional Commercial Bank)
MIR Accounting Formula
Owned Bond
Issued Bond
Rate and Parameters
Ceiling 94%
• Floor 84%
Scope of credit/financing
and deposits to calculate
MIR MIR Sharia
MIR Sharia (Sharia Banks and Sharia
Business Units)
Financing + Owned Sharia Bond
Deposit Issued Sharia Bond
Ceiling 94%
Floor 84%
• Minimum
Capital Adequacy Requirement • Minimum Capital Adequacy Requirement 14%
Upper disincentive parameter 0.2
• Lower disincentive parameter 0.1
Credit: rupiah and foreign currency
Deposits in rupiah and a foreign currency: •
(i) demand deposits, (ii) savings deposits;
and (iii) term deposits, excluding interbank
Monthly Commercial Bank Reports
Corporate bonds and/or corporate sukuk
• For Sharia business units, the Minimum Capital
Adequacy Requirement is the same as that of the
parent conventional commercial bank
• Upper disincentive parameter 0.2
• Lower disincentive parameter 0.1
• Financing: rupiah and foreign currency
Deposits in rupiah and a foreign currency: (i)
wadiah savings; and (ii) unrestricted investment
funds, excluding interbank funds
Monthly Sharia Bank Reports
Corporate bonds and/or corporate sukuk
• Issued by a nonbank corporation and by a resident
• Offered to the public through a public offering
Source of Data
Criteria for securities held
Equivalent to investment grade rating affirmed by a rating agency
• Administrated by an authorised securities institution
*As part of further relaxation on macroprudential policy, an adjustment will be applied starting from December 2nd, 2019
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