World Bank Country Survey 2013 slide image

World Bank Country Survey 2013

GALLUP PAKISTAN Affiliated with Gallup International World Leaders in Marketing Resea&C World Bank Country Survey 2013 Section 5: Detailed views about world bank form client side WORLD BANK 5.5 Views about World Bank Policy Instruments: Financial Resources rated as highly valuable Question: When thinking about the World Bank's role, what are the greatest strengths? Which activity do you believe is of greatest VALUE and which activity is of second greatest value in Pakistan? (Question 51 from Questionnaire) Clients overwhelmingly identified Financial Resources as the World Bank's Greatest Strength, and highly valuable for Pakistan. The majority of clients (45%) identified Financial resources as having the greatest value,. Technical assistance (20%) received the highest support as the activity with the second greatest value in Pakistan. Greatest Value Clients Second Greatest Value Clients Financial resources 45% Financial resources 7% Technical assistance Technical assistance 11% 20% Data Data 4% 3% Training/capacity building 11% Training/capacity building 4% Studies/analyses 4% Studies/analyses 4% Regional integration 2% Regional integration 2% Introducing innovations through projects Introducing innovations through projects or 3% 6% or analytical work analytical work Bringing discipline and effective Bringing discipline and effective supervision including (adherence to supervision including (adherence to 13% 6% financial management and procurement financial management and procurement procedures procedures Mobilization of global knowledge Mobilization of global knowledge (including (including south-south knowledge 6% south-south knowledge sharing) 2% sharing) Don't know/No Response 11% Don't Know/No Response 4% Total Total G 100% 100% Sample size: Clients (n= 188) Source: Gallup Pakistan - World Bank CSS 2013 Page 103
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