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Investor Presentaiton

Unlocking the Karibib Gold District Innovative & systematic exploration delineated new Au system Twin Hills Au System: >11km strike, sediment-hosted, structurally controlled hydrothermal Au system with coincident geochem & geophysics in classic orogenic setting (source/pathway/trap) Breakthrough discovery at Twin Hills Central & Clouds Wide intercepts incl. high grade = economic scale potential 25km radius Osino Licenses Osino Targets Gold Mines/Prospects Twin Hills Surface Geochem Anom. Sand overlying Calcrete Calcrete Syn-Tectonic Granites Karibib Marbles Domes Major_Structures Splays Roads Towns Usakos Karibib Fault Onguati Cu-Au Prospect Navachab Gold Mine QKR (private, ex AngloGold) ~7.5moz resource (est. hist.) open pit mine, in production OSINO RESOURCES Goldkuppe Au Prospect Twin Hills & Clouds Au Discovery Karibib Fault calcrete & sand cover ?? Karibib N Grassroots Twin Hills & Clouds Au discovery through deep cover on regional trend 241m @ 0.65 g/t 184m @ 1.12 g/t 92m @ 1.40 g/t 50m @ 1.75 g/t 37m @ 2.58 g/t 4m @ 11.62 g/t etc. 0 5 10 20km 7
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