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Investor Presentaiton

• SEAL OF FY 2021 Budget Updates and FY 2022 Proposed Operating Budget In November 2020, GOMB's Economic and Fiscal Policy Report estimated a budgetary shortfall of $3.918 billion for FY 21 and $4.802 billion for FY22 The revenue estimates followed the IHS Markit pessimistic economic forecast for FY21 and a blend of the pessimistic and baseline forecasts for FY22 Since that time, the following positively impacted the FY21 fiscal budgetary outlook: Stronger than expected economic performance • Extension of enhanced Medicaid match Borrowing of $2 billion from MLF Governor's budget reserves Result is estimated funds sufficient to prepay a portion of the MLF borrowing and a revised surplus estimate of $77 million . The proposed $41.6 billion FY22 General Funds budget restores economic and budgetary stability through continued steps toward structural balance ✓ Takes a balanced approach that holds the line on spending, helping to bend the cost curve of government Strategically deploys State and federal resources Reduces total General Funds expenditures to $41.6 billion, a $1.8 billion (4.2%) decrease from FY21 estimated expenditures Proposes closure of various corporate tax loopholes to generate a total of $932 million in additional revenue Closes the previously estimated shortfall and estimates a surplus of $120 million Protects key investment areas Increases funding for safety net human services agencies, while spending for most agencies is held flat Protects education funding Fully pays the certified FY22 pension contribution of $9.4 billion • THE STATE OF ILLINOIS AUG 94 1818 12 12
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