Third Quarter 2021 Investor Relations Handout
Selected development projects
Invested capital
Kuhn Group
Launch of the "AURA"
autonomous feed mixer
Navigates independently through
facilities, loads itself with feed and
distributes prescribed mixed feed ra-
tions to livestock several times a day.
Bucher Municipal
First "UrBin RL110e" electric rear
loaders delivered in Australia
Ongoing expansion of
electric-powered products, which
are in high demand among
Bucher Emhart Glass
"Smart Feeder" with "GobRadar" as
the latest closed-loop control
Camera-based sensor that optically
monitors the weight and shape of each
individual gob during forming and
adjusts feeder automatically.
Third quarter 2021 - Investor relations handout Autumn 2021 Public
Electric Vehicle Powered by in
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