Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020 slide image

Sustainability Report ENEVA 2020

5.3.1 Ethics & Integrity [GRI 102-16 | 103-1 | 103-2 | 103-3-205] Guiding Documents In 2020, all integrity regulations, which make up the basis of our Integrity Program, were reviewed and approved by the Board of Executive Officers. Our Code of Conduct, Anti-Corruption Policy, and Human Rights Policy were also reviewed by the Audit Committee, and the changes were approved by the Board of Directors. חון Integrity Program Our Integrity Program aims to ensure appropriate mechanisms to promote ethical conduct, in line with our principles and guidelines. The goal, then, is to guide employees in preventing, detecting, and repairing any lawful acts and/or acts in violation of current legislation, such as Law 12,846/2013, and our ethical determinations. Code of Conduct Contractor Code of Conduct Guidelines for Gifts, Presents and Hospitality Pillars of the Integrity Program Internal Controls Policies, guidelines and procedures Code of Conduct Training and communication PREVENTION Risk Assessment Consultation Channel Compliance System SENIOR MANAGEMENT'S COMMITMENT Anticorruption clause management Whistleblowing channel DETECTION MONITORING Conflict of Interests Registration and meetings with government agencies Contractor Management Internal Audit Internal Investigation Compliance Commission Anti-corruption Policy Human Rights Policy Antitrust Policy לוווו Guidelines for Conflict of Interests Guidelines for Third-party Relationships Guidelines for Interacting with Government Authorities Guidelines for Equality, Opportunity and Respect Communication To disseminate the Integrity Program guidelines and strengthen the ethical and legal compliance culture, we follow an annual communication plan on the topic, which includes events, lectures and campaigns for our main audiences, including leaders, employees, third parties and suppliers. An example is the Minuto Compliance ["Compliance Time"] initiative, consisting of texts on various topics related to the themes of ethical conduct, professional integrity, gifts and presents, the whistleblowing channel and the Anti-corruption Law, sent periodically to all employees via e-mail marketing, in addition bi-weekly newsletters. The compliance initiatives are also shown on Corporate TV, in the computer backgrounds, intranet and e-mail of the Compliance department, as well as stickers placed in common areas with information about the whistleblowing channel. Additionally, in 2020, during the election period, we carried out a communication campaign instructing all employees on their performance regarding the issue and, on the International Anti-Corruption Day, we released an informative video addressing issues such as public corruption and private corruption. Training [GRI 205-2] To promote a corporate culture aligned with our conduct guidelines and ethical principles, in 2020 we offered training on the Code of Conduct, Anti-corruption Policy, Conflict of Interests, Interaction with Government Authorities, and Gifts and Presents, to 95% of our staff (including our own employees and contractors who provide services to us and are allocated in the business units or at the headquarters). Communication on the themes is made available to 100% of the employees and contractors allocated to our facilities, as well as to all board members. ABOUT LETTER FROM THIS REPORT MANAGEMENT ABOUT ENEVA FIGHTING COVID-19 INTELLECTUAL & ORGANIZATIONAL CAPITAL SOCIAL & MANUFACTURED HUMAN NATURAL CAPITAL CAPITAL RELATIONSHIP CAPITAL CAPITAL FINANCIAL CAPITAL APPENDICES GRI CONTENT INDEX SASB CONTENT INDEX SUSTAINABILITY REPORT [ENEVA 2020] PAGE 44
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