Sustainable Business Strategy Overview slide image

Sustainable Business Strategy Overview

02 GREEN BOND FRAMEWORK 9 Scotiabank Green Bond Framework Scotiabank has prepared the Green Bond Framework in line with the ICMA Green Bond Principles 2018, with the following core components: 1. Use of Proceeds ■ Eligible categories include renewable energy, energy efficiency, pollution prevention and control, environmentally sustainable management of living natural resources and land use, terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity conservation, clean transportation, sustainable water and wastewater management, and green buildings 2. Process for Evaluation and Selection The Bank's Asset & Liability Committee (ALCO) will oversee the implementation of the Framework. ALCO voting members include the CFO, CRO, Treasurer, and business line heads. ■ All Eligible Green Assets are subject to a consistent review with Scotiabank's applicable. environmental and social risk management policies. 3. Management of Proceeds Scotiabank's Treasury team is in charge of monitoring the allocation of the proceeds to the Eligible Green Assets on a nominal equivalence basis, as well as managing the Eligible Green Asset Portfolio. The net proceeds can be attributed to Eligible Green Assets originated or refinanced up to 36 months before the issuance. ■ Scotiabank will use its best efforts to substitute any Eligible Green Assets that are no longer eligible, as soon as practical once an appropriate substitution option has been identified. ■ The balance of the tracked proceeds should be adjusted on a quarterly basis, in order to match the allocation to Eligible Green Assets re/financed during this period 4. Reporting ■ A year after the Green Bond's issuance date, and every year thereafter until full allocation of the bond, Scotiabank will update investors on how the bond proceeds are allocated and share information on loans financed by the bond, in its Green Bond Annual Report. Reporting will be produced at the relevant Green Category level
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