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AB InBev Financial Results

23. Pension and similar obligations AB InBev sponsors various post-employment benefit plans worldwide, which include both defined contribution plans, defined benefit plans, and other post-employment benefits. In accordance with IAS 19 Employee Benefits post- employment benefit plans are classified as either defined contribution plans or defined benefit plans. DEFINED CONTRIBUTION PLANS For defined contribution plans, AB InBev pays contributions to publicly or privately administered pension funds or insurance contracts. Once the contributions have been paid, the group has no further payment obligation. The regular contributions constitute an expense for the year in which they are due. For 2022, contributions paid into defined contribution plans for the company amounted to 164m US dollar compared to 147m US dollar for 2021. DEFINED BENEFIT PLANS During 2022, the company contributed to 86 defined benefit plans, of which 64 are retirement or leaving service plans, 17 are medical cost plans and 5 other long-term employee benefit plans. Most plans provide retirement and leaving service benefits related to pay and years of service. In many of the countries the plans are partially funded. When plans are funded, the assets are held in legally separate funds set up in accordance with applicable legal requirements and common practice in each country. The medical cost plans in Barbados, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, South Africa and US provide medical benefits to employees and their families after retirement. Many of the defined benefit plans are closed to new entrants. The present value of funded obligations includes a 115m US dollar liability related to two medical plans in Brazil, for which the benefits are provided through the Fundação Antonio Helena Zerrenner ("FAHZ"). The FAHZ is a legally distinct entity which provides medical, dental, educational and social assistance to current and retired employees of Ambev. As at 31 December 2022, the actuarial liabilities related to the benefits provided by the FAHZ are fully offset by an equivalent amount of assets existing in the fund. The net liability recognized in the statement of financial position is nil. The employee benefit net liability amounts to 1 523m US dollar as at 31 December 2022 compared to 2 256m US dollar as at 31 December 2021. In 2022, the fair value of the plan assets decreased by 1 574m US dollar and the defined benefit obligations decreased by 2 287m US dollar. The decrease in the employee benefit net liability is mainly driven by increases in the discount rates partially offset by unfavorable asset returns. The company's net liability for post-employment and long-term employee benefit plans comprises the following as at 31 December 2022 and 2021: Million US dollar Present value of funded obligations Fair value of plan assets 2022 (4 604) 2021 (6 791) 3 807 Present value of net obligations for funded plans Present value of unfunded obligations Present value of net obligations Unrecognized asset Net liability (797) (587) (1 384) (43) (1427) 5 381 (1410) (687) (2 097) (32) (2129) Other long term employee benefits (96) Total employee benefits (1 523) (127) (2 256) Employee benefits amounts in the statement of financial position: Liabilities (1 534) Assets Net liability 11 (1 523) (2 256) (2261) 5 68 88
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